Category Archives: Keyword Optimization

FrontRunner Announces New $1.6-Million Dollar Training Facility to Help Funeral Professionals Learn, Grow and Better Their Businesses

training1As the technological demands on funeral professionals continue to evolve, FrontRunner Professional is creating an opportunity to jump ahead of the curve. Clients will have the opportunity to strategically position themselves to conquer new challenges and meet their communities’ expectations.

FrontRunner has acquired a new 6,500 square foot, $1.6-million dollar facility that will house the new Technology and Training Center. The center represents Frontrunner’s ongoing commitment to set a higher standard, and provides all the tools and resources to help clients truly excel in today’s market.

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Understanding SEO Copywriting: When To Hire & a Do-It-Yourself Guide

Your funeral home website sits at the hub of your online marketing efforts; you simply can’t afford not to truly understand the importance of SEO copywriting. It’s what makes your families land on your website instead of your competitor’s.

It was way back in 2008 when Mortuary Management published an article I wrote titled, “Are You the Best Writer for Your Business?” Now, six years later, I’m returning to that same question but the years in between have not changed my perspective one whit. I still believe that most business owners shouldn’t write their own website content or sales copy. Most of the time, they can’t see the features and benefits of their business offerings as clearly as a seasoned copywriter can (one who asks all the right questions) and nine times out of ten, they don’t enjoy the writing process enough to excel at copy or content writing.

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Stop Guessing & Start Seeing Results: Bring More Visitors to Your Website by Using the Words They Google

SEO keywords Keywords are a must for any website but it definitely takes time and energy to figure out what keywords will work best for your website in your community. In our last blog post, we talked about 4 Steps to Knowing What Your Community Types into Google. Once you determine your list of keywords, you then have to use them effectively so they have an actual impact. Pasting them in willy-nilly defeats the purpose; you need a strategy that targets specific keywords to specific pages that incorporate specific content related to the keywords.

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