Category Archives: Branding

It All Boils Down to Customer Service

marketingMarketing is a tricky beast. It’s a critical element to any business yet most small and medium sized companies don’t have actual marketing departments. Budgets are limited to the cost of advertising without any room to pay outside marketing firms. The advent of technology has added a new twist to marketing trends and companies are scrambling to find someone on staff to maintain websites, blogs, and social media platforms.

For some, they just throw their hands up in the air and admit defeat. They refuse to embrace new marketing strategies because they don’t have the time or resources. They continue to market their companies just as they have for however many years.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing when the companies instead focus their efforts on providing excellent customer service. It’s one thing to implement marketing strategies but when you get customers through the door, do you create a truly memorable experience? Does your firm ever take extraordinary measures to set yourself apart from the competition? Do you provide a service to your customers that they will then share with their family, friends and beyond? Continue reading

Your Website Design Speaks Volumes About Your Company

graphic design word cloudAs a content writer, it’s hard to believe that I would admit this but a website design can make or break the first impression of your company. While I wholeheartedly believe that effective content is king, I happen to sit with an awesome group of graphic designers who have managed to convince me to rethink what I’ve been spouting for years.

Both design and content are critical to attract and retain online visitors. They work in tandem to engage potential clients and re-engage existing ones.

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