Monthly Archives: June 2013

Is Your Funeral Firm Website Performing Well? Here’s How to Find Out!

Interestingly enough, when we asked “how do you know how your website is performing?” many funeral professionals candidly told us “I don’t; I have no idea.”

analyticsHere’s another question many didn’t have an answer for: “do you have a Google Analytics account?” Unfortunately, many of those who said “yes,” were quick to answer “no” to the next question:

Do you review your monthly analytics report?

Lots of folks, it seems, just don’t have the time to investigate how their website is performing.

If that sounds like you, make a commitment right now to take the time to review your site analytics—or simply assign the responsibility to a staff member. You can sign up for Google Analytics very easily, but it won’t do you any good if you don’t use the analytics reports you receive to make necessary changes in your site contents. Continue reading

One Excellent Reason for Providing Pet Loss Support

Courage in his younger daysThis, my friends, is Courage. Actually, “Courage the Brave Dog” is what my youngest son named the puppy who joined our family in December of 1999. A name chosen in contradiction to the cartoon series Courage the Cowardly Dog, which was also new to Cartoon Network that year; Courage really did his best to grow into that brave canine the boy was hoping for.

Today the boy is a young man of twenty-three, and dear Courage is nearing the end of his time with us. He has congestive heart failure, you see; and (thanks to our brilliant veterinarian and a whole lot of medication) the remaining time he has is as good as it can be. But there is no turning around on this path; each day I see subtle signs of his continuing decline. Continue reading

Data Overload: The Peril of Technology and the Information Age

Woman yelling in frustrationChances are good that you’re exactly like me. Every year my birthday rolls around, and every year I spend that first week of June thinking about the past. Not with melancholy, mind you; not often, anyway. But with a certain amusement about how “times have changed”.

How the technology of today was a mere dream in the mind of folks smarter than I was back then; and how archaic the tools I was forced to use during college and graduate school seem to be today. The IBM Selectric I used; not to mention the research tools available in the university library.

Remember the card catalog? The data base for all libraries I visited between kindergarten and graduation day in 1983 was small enough to be contained in elegant wooden cabinets replete with dozens of small drawers. Rather reminds me of the Middle Ages, especially when you can compare it to information archiving today! Continue reading